Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Student loan scams?

my friend gets full support from the governemtn because her mother does not work, and she has divorced from her dad, and her dad is practically a millioinair.

so she gets full maintanence from the governement as the means test prooves her mum does not get enought money and a huge allowance from her dad.

how could i do something like this! my mum works more than 19 hrs a day to support the household (she is a single parent) and becuase of her 3 jobs i dont get any maintence, its as if the governemnt wants my mum to stop working and live off the taxes!

whats the best way to go about this

Student loan scams?

Your mother is not supposed to work 3 jobs. It's way too much hours.

You and her must check with the govrnment and your school's financial aid office.

Good luck !

Student loan scams?

It cos you black hun. The man keeps us down. But I am partial to a pink dicky. Hmmm-mmm. You know it mon.

Where your daddy run off to den. He lookin for some fun from me or summin, sweety?

You Jamaican too?

Student loan scams?

Welll thats the UK for you.

Nothing like stupid policies eh?

Student loan scams?

That is the way it works with the government.

The less you do, the more you make.

Student loan scams?

I have a similar problem.

My daughter was born 4 yrs ago and due to her poor health, I've been unable to work, as I needed a lot of time off.

She's now starting school full time in September and I've decided to go to college. My partner works, but I don't therefore we don't qualify for any financial help. I called tax credits and they won't even help with childcare so I don't know if I'm going to be able to go as I also have a 2 yr old.

Try appealing against the decision, fight it all the way.

Good luck


Student loan scams?

Go to: http://www.studentfinancialadvisors they may be able to help.

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