Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Democrats will be lowering the student loan rates. How do republicans feel about it?

Support it or not? Why?

Democrats will be lowering the student loan rates. How do republicans feel about it?

I'm generally ok with it- but frankly, I'm not sure how it affects the lending market.

Many banks (etc.) are in the Student Lending business.

But given that tuition costs have really gone up in recent years, it should be a good thing to help students with tuition expenses. We have to think of it as an investment in the country's future.

Those with college degrees typically make considerably more than those with HS only. Those who make more, pay more taxes, consume more goods, etc.

Plus, we do need to invest in skills necessary for our industries. There is a shortage in many tech and other skilled areas.

Democrats will be lowering the student loan rates. How do republicans feel about it?

That's good. Now maybe some more democrats can get an education.

Democrats will be lowering the student loan rates. How do republicans feel about it?



Democrats will be lowering the student loan rates. How do republicans feel about it?

go dems and libs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

its about time, 12 years................ahahahahaha!!!!!!!!...

Democrats will be lowering the student loan rates. How do republicans feel about it?

They only support it on students who make more than 500,000 dollars per year. Must protect the voting base, you know.

Democrats will be lowering the student loan rates. How do republicans feel about it?

It just means that your tuition will skyrocket. So I am against it.

Democrats will be lowering the student loan rates. How do republicans feel about it?

Sure i support it. Any time the government is taking less than they already are is a good thing. I hope they don't counter the loss tax revenue from somewhere else though (even though I'm sure that's the plan).

Democrats will be lowering the student loan rates. How do republicans feel about it?

yes but you wont be able to buy food or new clothes because they are going to raise taxes, which means slower economy and inflation increases

so you take your pick

Democrats will be lowering the student loan rates. How do republicans feel about it?

yes they will lower it, and increase the percentage that goes to minorities thus discriminating against white people.

ohm, and they wont lower it, they will just try and maybe pass it in the house, but the senate and the president may have other ideas.

Democrats will be lowering the student loan rates. How do republicans feel about it?

I'm all for lowering it - but what REALLY needs to be lowered is the outrageous expense of attending college.

Democrats will be lowering the student loan rates. How do republicans feel about it?

I don't think it's a good ideal to get loans when you can get grants, and scholarships. Loans have literally ruined people's lives. Get all the grants, and scholarships you can, and work your way through college.

Democrats will be lowering the student loan rates. How do republicans feel about it?

Well, I'm neutral on it. You do get a tax deduction on student loan interest, so that will be lower as well. It's paying less now and having less to deduct later as a result.

Democrats will be lowering the student loan rates. How do republicans feel about it?

I agree with MICHAEL N- Tuition will go up.

Democrats will be lowering the student loan rates. How do republicans feel about it?

Only if made retroactive to when I went to school! :)

Seriously, I don't know. I had read that the Democrats themselves may have to scale this back or put it on hold because of the cost. Interest rates are at historically low levels in any event.

Maybe a good idea would be to tie it to tougher enforcement against non-payers - but I think they addressed that already. Help the ones who need it, and go after the ones who abuse it. That would be a good %26quot;fiscal responsibility%26quot; measure, appealing to both sides and further eroding the image of Republicans being the ones keeping an eye on the pursestrings.

But I needed grants, scholarships and loans to get me through - my total family income was probably closer to my present monthly pay than to my yearly pay (we were poor!) - so addressing it is a good idea in principle.

I paid up to 12%. I think it's at 7% now. Lower is always better, though - to the extent we can do it. (I'm paid off now!)

PS I cough up money to my alumni fund and other similar organizations when I can. Pay it forward!!! :)

PPS I'm not sure about bank subsidies. My guess is that cutting the profitability of this business would make the banks do less of it. But I would also guess that the %26quot;other half%26quot; of the interest being cut (the Democrats want to cut the interest in half) would somehow be paid by the government to the banks rather than the students to the banks, so the incentive to the banks would be the same. %26quot;Corporatre welfare%26quot; would be a good topic for a question in and of istelf!

Democrats will be lowering the student loan rates. How do republicans feel about it?

50% of student loans don't get repayed anyway.

Democrats will be lowering the student loan rates. How do republicans feel about it?

Banks who participate in the student loan lending programs are heavily subsidized by the government, and their piece of the pie will be curtailed, as it were. The cuts wouldn't really have an effect on lending, tuition rates, or on the average student's access to loans. It would diminish the subsidy the government pays to banks. It's called corporate welfare, and we should be working hard to eliminate that wherever possible.

The truth is, many people are against welfare payments to individual Americans, but seem to have no problem supporting hugely successful corporations, like banks, and big oil, though they are hugely profitable, and truly have no need for government subsidies and tax breaks.

Democrats will be lowering the student loan rates. How do republicans feel about it?

lower the loan rate equates to less money that will never be paid back anyway.looks good on paper-just more fell good legislature with no content; all the usual transparencies.

Democrats will be lowering the student loan rates. How do republicans feel about it?

Republicans don't feel, they think, where you been? Hey, don't blast me, I am only repeating what republicans claim. Remember libtards feel, republicans think. Sounds pretty silly to me, and don't forget to include the tax issues and higher costs in your not supporting the higher education of American students.

Democrats will be lowering the student loan rates. How do republicans feel about it?

It is not a solution to any problem. Like most of government's %26quot;remedies,%26quot; politicans will exacerbate the very problem it seeks to address.

As money is made more readily available for students to go to the college/university of their choice, the costs will continue to rise. They have convinced everyone that college is essential to one's success, although it is well known that one's natural talents and abilities are the gretest factor in dertermining one's success. School is a business and the Dems are doing exactly what universities want. They are making money more accessible and, therefore, providing schools with the opportunity to continuously raise rates even further.

Like any market, the price of higher education depends on the forces of supply and demand. Easy money equates to higher costs. Simple as that. People need to say that they are not going to take it anymore.

Maintain the rates and their spread over the market.

Democrats will be lowering the student loan rates. How do republicans feel about it?

So, where is such spending authorized in the Constitution or Amendments? I keep missing the 'education clause', can you tell me where to find it?

You see, I have a problem with any government spending that is not authorized in the Constitution or Amendments, because that means the government is acting illegally. A renegade government is not a government that long protects rights and freedoms.

BTW: how is a lower loan rate considered fiscally responsible?

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