Usually the loan money is sent to your school for disbursement, they will take out tuition and fees and give you whatever the they figure are usual living expenses (should you need them), you don't have to document what you use this money for.
Is leagal to use your student loan for anything else?
Like what? You can use it for food, clothing, other living expenses, transportation to/from school, things like that. I mean, they paid my tuition but there was money left over for living expenses. So, there was nothing to stop me from spending a couple of bucks on beer now and then.
Is leagal to use your student loan for anything else?
Just make sure it pertains to school-related items. This doesnt have to be tuition and books, you can some use for gas, food, etc. But, keep in mind that sometimes fin aid/loans are given to you and some are only sent to the school for the essentials.
Is leagal to use your student loan for anything else?
Yes ... It is LEGAL to spend it on spelling lessons...
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