Monday, October 26, 2009

How long does your student loan?

take to arrive. They have really made a mess of my sons, they wouldn't accept it on the day of registration, saying it was done automatically. But after three weeks still not arrived and hes broke.

How long does your student loan?

They messed up with me too.... He can actually go to Student Support and they can help him out with a loan until his money arrives. (they did this with me). He might need to make an appointment and take some proof of application. Also, phone up the loan company. best time to do it is 7.30 in the morning or really late at night, otherwise you'll be in for a long wait!

How long does your student loan?

I am in my second year and I was supposed to receive it but they have been messing me around for weeks. I withdrew my last ten pounds today! I would get onto them and hassle them until they listen.

How long does your student loan?

Took them a whole term to sort mine out once, I wouldn't wait too long before filling the gap any way you can.

How long does your student loan?

Don't panic....

That's what the student loan company are like unfortunately :( You need to keep pestering your LEA and make sure you get it through as soon as possible.

In the mean time what is really good is that your sons university can lend him a grant that he will only have to pay back when he gets the loan through. They are very understanding when it comes to student loans. All he has to do is go to the Finance Department at his university and explain what has happened and they will negotiate with him an amount (interest free) of money that will see him through till the loan arrives and then he needs to pay it back. He needs to stress that he really need the finacial help.

I hope this helps!

Best of luck.

How long does your student loan?

u should chase it up. this happened to my daughter when she enquired found her file had been put in wrong pile and not dealt with, keep on top of it they are human and have loads of applications mistakes can be made.

How long does your student loan?

The student loan company are a waste of space. You get sent a payment schedule stating when you expect payment to be made, and it never arrives on that day. Their is always some problem with the system.

Keep phoning them, or speak to local LEA. In the meantime, your son should go to financial services at his university. He needs to take proof of how much money he has in his bank account, and they will loan him out money.

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